Create The Life You Dream Of, Again and Again

gratitude Jun 12, 2023

Last week in my Sunday Spark email I asked the question “What is your dream? “ l received some great responses. One agent answered with a very thoughtful response and then asked back,” What is your dream, Brad?” Hmm, guess the tables are turned. I answered that my dream is to be able to speak to agents through 2 or 3 large gatherings a year and give them positive reinforcement, plant seeds that will eventually produce their dreams, and help them Live Life Unbalanced! This is true, this is a dream of mine. But after I sent it, I put more thought into the question, “What is my dream?”

The more I thought about the question, the more convoluted my thoughts became. Dreams change, heck, mine change daily, and to narrow them down to just one is short-changing myself. I could go on and on here about my dreams of owning waterfront homes in Hawaii, Tahoe, and on the beach in California, and a private jet to get to each. Or how my wife and I can enjoy quality time with our kids and grandkids (someday, we hope) while traveling and just enjoying life. Catching a record bass, Blue Marlin, Peacock Bass……….Sorry, I said I wouldn’t go on and on.

The point is that life is a journey that will bring us different scenarios daily. As we inch closer to achieving one dream, another will appear. We must constantly work toward creating the life we dream of and realize that we may never achieve one particular dream, but perhaps we have actually achieved multiple dreams on the way.

Dreams are personal, but as human beings, we also have many dreams in common. Health, happiness, and prosperity are just a few. One respondent answered that his dream was to have peace on earth and to stop procrastinating. He said both are possible, but not likely. It’s ok to have dreams that are not likely, if we didn’t, we would never improve, and we would never take that one step closer to reaching those dreams. One of my favorite sayings is “Success is incumbent on dreams.”

But what happens when we realize that we will never reach a particular dream? By that time, many more dreams will have come to mind. As life changes, so do our dreams. The key is to enjoy the ride and create the life you dream of, step by step, day by day. Because one day our dream will be to just live one more day, and that too will eventually be unachievable. As I recently heard a Pastor say at my Uncle’s funeral, “We all have a terminal disease, life, and it has a 100% mortality rate.” That is reality, but I don’t want to leave you with that negativity. So, take one minute, right now (don’t procrastinate!) and put some thought into what your current dream is. Then think about the steps you can take, today, to create the life you dream of.

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